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Study Abroad Grant Program Reintroduced to Senate

U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) and U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) today reintroduced the bipartisan, bicameral Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Program...

Open Doors Report

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Study German at Goethe Institute

  The Goethe Institute is the culture institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. As such, it promotes the study of the German language as...

Pura Vida Española

Kate Sommers-Dawes marvels at Costa Rica as a Spanish immersion destination Visit Costa Rica’s official tourism site and read its official slogan; “No Artificial Ingredients,” —...


Taiwan's Languages The languages and dialects spoken in Taiwan have their origins in the Austronesian and Han lingual systems. The Austronesian languages are spoken by...

Going Deutsch

Kate Sommers-Dawes explores destinations in which to learn the language of Goethe Spreading from Germany throughout Austria, Switzerland, and beyond to become the most widely...


With more than 330 million native speakers around the world, the ability to speak Spanish has become imperative. More than 50 million people speak...

French in the Alps

Visit the Alps Breathtaking mountains and deep valleys form Alpine France which borders Switzerland and Italy. The paradiscal city of Gap is one of the...

French in Paris

Mondes Nouveaux, founded in 1983, is a non-profit organization specializing in language homestays in France. Their teachers are dedicated specialists, and host families give...

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